# Infopump ## A personal bibliographic presentation system. ### Under Development - Things need to be fixed, added, or implemented. Infopump is a basic content management system to present books and media in a way that makes the information finable and shareable. With an eye towards librarians, information professionals, and library users; Infopump offers a way to share a collection with others so they can benefit from your curation and discover new materials. Behind the scenes, it's using Calibre as the foundation for databasing and data management. Infopump is a free and open source project running on: * Linux * Apache * SQLite * PHP * HTML5 ### Credits I'd like to thank FreeHTML5 for the Magazine template which is used in the front end presentation of Infopump. They did some beautiful work, and you should check out their website for more eye candy. * [FreeHTML5](https://freehtml5.co/) * [Magazine template](https://freehtml5.co/preview/?item=magazine-free-html5-bootstrap-template) And of course a big thanks to Calibre, which acts as a client for Infopump. * [Calibre](https://calibre-ebook.com/)