# Euphemystique A simple, easy to use image board for sharing images, creating mood boards, gathering pictures, and more. ![Euphemystique Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/hVyfQ2b.png) ### Seriously? Another Pinterest clone? Well.... *kinda.* Pinterest is just too much (for me). It requires you to sign in to even view the images, goddess knows where the data goes, and all I wanted was a simple experience where I can upload some images, share them with friends, create a mood board maybe? Ya know, stuff like that. The entire philosophy driving Euphemystique is simplicity. If you're looking for something with a few more features, I recommend [Pinry](https://docs.getpinry.com/). ### System Requirements Euphemystique runs on a web server with a standard LAMP stack, but should work on a Windows server so long as you can run PHP. (Warning: This hasn't been tested yet.) * A web server capable of running PHP (Recommended: Apache) * PHP v7.3+ * MariaDB or MySQL ### Setup 1. Create a database and user for your new Euphemystique installation. 2. To set up the database structure, import the SQL file in the database folder of the repository into your new Euphemystique database. 3. Upload the Euphemystique files to your web server. 4. Edit the creds-sample.php file, adding your database information and setting your timezone. 5. Save creds-sample.php as creds.php to allow for database connectivity. You can delete creds-sample.php if you like. 6. Access the page **register.php** in your browser to register your first account. 7. Log in with your new account 8. If you want to shut down new user registration, you can do so via the Admin page. 9. Use the Admin page to create categories. 10. Once you have categories, you're set to go! Use the Add Image page to add your first image. ### Warning **You may want to wait until this notice disappears before using Euphemystique as a regular image sharing system.** This software is still under development and major features (user management, tags, etc) are missing. These will be added, and the database structure will change. I'll work very hard to make sure updates do not break existing sites, but some planned database changes may require database resets. Keep an eye on the repo for updates, fixes, and changes. ### Thanks to... [Infinite Scroll](https://infinite-scroll.com/)