Kopifiguro social image. Various images lay on a desk in front of a laptop computer.


Welcome to Kopifiguro, a self-hosted and non-centralised image sharing system!

As a longtime Tumblr user, I was dismayed when Tumblr instituted rule after rule that removed and disallowed content, leading to the disenfranchisement of many communities and casting them to the wind. Many of these communities, from the erotic artists to the GLBTQIA+ crowds, contributed heavily to the success of Tumblr over the years. Sadly, over those same years, Tumblr was bought and sold multiple times and, each time, the new owners squandered and aliented the very things that made Tumblr popular. Certainly, there was a lot of porn. But it's just as certain there was a lot of stuff that wasn't porn, but got removed because it looked like porn.

Anyone remember the "female presenting nipples" guideline?

Kopifiguro is an Esperanto word that means "effigy." Kopifiguro is an effigy of a Tumblr image blog, where a user can share images they like, and host it themselves. What you're looking at here is my development site, where you'll see all the latest changes and tweaks and new features as I implement them. I'm far from done, but I finally reached a point where I think I can put this online and use it while I work on it.

Kopfiguro is a fully open source project running on Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP – in other words, your standard LAMP stack. All of the work is done using open source software on a development server running LAMP on a Xubuntu based virtual machine. If you're into paying attention to what's going on with the codebase, the current working repository can be found on my self-hosted GitLab. It's been through a lot of changes as I've tried to figure out what I want to do and how.

Anyway, feel free to look around and enjoy the images. Speaking of images, while images dispay in a manner to fit a screen, you can save the full-sized image with a simple right-click and save. I'm an image junky and I want the largest, high-def images I can get. So Kopifiguro only resizes through CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. In other words, images are never resized for display, the display will handle the images and you can always save the original size through a right-click.

I'll write more about this project later, but for now, go look around and have a play. I'll add new categories here and there and talk about new features as they arrive.

Have fun!
Daniel Messer - Cyberpunk Librarian

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